Research and Development Paving the Way

Kate Vergara
December 29, 2020
The world as we know it is in a health-craze. From blood glucose count to heart-rate, technology today is leaning to be more inclusive for our personal needs. We enjoy these benefits because of the efforts done through research and development.

Better Communication, Better Connections

Kate Vergara
October 30, 2020
We had our first Communications Week last October 19 to 23, 2020. The webinar series covered topics on Basic Communication, Call Handling, Email Writing, De-escalation, with some fresh insights about the American culture through Cross-Cultural Literacy.

Fostering Workplace Culture on Equality and Diversity

Kate Vergara
August 17, 2020
We take pride in our diverse workforce. To mark our 9th anniversary, we celebrated Equality and Diversity Week...

Best Practices in Maintaining a Connected Remote Workforce

Kate Vergara
April 30, 2020
HIPAA and Privacy
The internet has changed the labor landscape when it allowed for telecommuting or home-based work setup. While this promises comfort and convenience to workers, it gave rise to several challenges.
It is now easier to reach out to patients and provide healthcare in their homes. Last year, the Centers...

VMA Stories: What’s Your WFH Look?

Kate Vergara
April 21, 2020
Filipinos are diligent workers and we love to dress up. But given social distancing policies to combat COVID-19...

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